Cloppenburg Shows

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Kulturbahnhof, Cloppenburg
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Duo Ultima

Kulturbahnhof, Cloppenburg
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Music is coming

Stadthalle Cloppenburg, Cloppenburg
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Feuerwehrmann Sam LIVE!

Stadthalle Cloppenburg, Cloppenburg
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The Soul of AC/DC

Stadthalle Cloppenburg, Cloppenburg
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Beat 'n' Blow

Kulturbahnhof, Cloppenburg
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Nikolausmarkt im Museumsdorf

Museumsdorf Cloppenburg, Cloppenburg
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Nikita Miller

Stadthalle Cloppenburg, Cloppenburg
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Gala-Abend der Big Band Bösel

Stadthalle Cloppenburg, Cloppenburg

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